COMSATS Internet Service in collaboration with Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) have deployed L-Root Servers in Islamabad and Lahore. The L-Root instances in Pakistan have helped improve internet speeds and disseminate traffic allowing users to experience reduced response time for DNS queries, and significantly improved inter-networking efficiency of country’s Internet infrastructure.
COMSATS Internet Services is the first ISP in Pakistan to host RIPE Atlas Anchor sponsored by the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC). CIS’s customers and the Internet community in Pakistan now get real time measurement of Pakistan’s Internet infrastructure from within the country and outside. With RIPE Atlas Anchor, internet users can measure latency to multiple locations, investigate network glitches in real time at the anchor, and get comprehensive and accurate information for Internet connectivity by measuring ping, traceroute, DNS, and HTTP(S).
COMSATS Internet Services has successfully implemented Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) in Pakistan to strengthen the security and reliability of the Internet infrastructure. DNS Security Extensions adds security to the Domain Name System which is the backbone of the modern Internet. DNSSEC technology protects data by utilizing a digital signature, and helps security aware servers by obtaining secure and authentic information. Our customers can now benefit from a safer internet experience, and explore more service offerings such as zone signing for secure data transactions.
ComClinicâ"¢, CIS’s Tele-health service, offers free healthcare to underprivileged people in the distant and mountainous areas of Pakistan using digital diagnostic facilities and specialist consultations. With Tele-health centers successfully serving thousands of patients across Pakistan, ComClinicâ"¢ has become an excellent example of how ICT can help the health sector improve its outreach.
COMSATS Internet Services and the Internet Society (ISOC) Asia Pacific Bureau have collaborated to establish the Wireless for Communities (W4C) programme in Pakistan to provide Internet access to under-served rural communities using a community empowerment approach through WiFi based technologies. The programme aims to create model communities that serve as examples for the developmental role that the Internet can play in society.
Improving Internet Infrastructure
Access Internet Connectivity Measurements
Ensuring Secure Internet Experience
Bringing Healthcare Closer to Community
Improving Internet Infrastructure